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How to Spotlight Lifestyle Brands on Social Media

Lifestyle brands are naturally social. Defining certain attitudes, perspectives, aspirations, and more, lifestyle brands tend to rely on emotional connections with their customers. 

That can make social media an ideal stage for showcasing lifestyle brands and reaching all-new audiences no matter who you’re trying to engage and get in front of online. 

7 Social Media Tips & Strategies for Lifestyle Brands

Setting up social media profiles and putting up some posts for a lifestyle brand aren’t enough to really get any traction or engagement these days. That’s because users and the competition tend to be more sophisticated.

The audience expects more and won’t spend more than a few seconds looking for what they need. Plus, businesses, maybe even your competition, are getting better at creating viral moments. 

Here’s how you can join in and really differentiate your lifestyle brand on social media. 

1. Define your brand voice and your target customer.

You can’t connect with customers online if you don’t know how to speak to them, what they need, and why they would want what your brand has to offer. 

So, start with key definitions, creating detailed descriptions of…

2. Use high-quality visuals and digital assets. 

Photos and videos can convince an online audience to take a deeper look at your social posts. That’s especially true when your social media profile and posts include: 

Thoughtful, concise videos are also crucial. So, tell a fascinating story within 30 to 60 seconds with a gorgeous video that communicates more than words ever could.

With images, music, and pacing, nice videos can get anyone more curious about a lifestyle brand. 

3. Get on schedule. 

Regular posts need to happen to grow an audience. That means it’s best to:

Keep in mind that several scheduling tools and social media dashboards offer ways to load several posts at once and set them up to go live at any point later. This can help with regular posting, especially when you’re trying to see which posts perform better and which days and/or times are best for trying to engage on different social platforms. 

4. Engage. 

Use popular, relevant hashtag tags to get social media posts in wider conversations. Don’t be afraid to reach out to other brands, using their brand names as hashtags.

You can also engage via social media, amplifying your lifestyle brand, by: 

5. Don’t settle.

Social media is constantly evolving, just like the most successful lifestyle brands. That means it’s crucial to: 

Also, when it comes to not settling and reaching for excellence:

  • Switch up your styles: Try different “forms” of content, including educational posts, user-generated content, Q&A-style posts, and more. 

  • Look at everything twice: Never post anything that hasn’t been checked by a second pair of eyes. Mistakes and oversights could harpoon your progress, and a simple edit could easily prevent that from taking place. 

6. Ask “Why?” constantly.

Don’t post for the sake of filling some quota.

If you don't know why you’re putting up a post or what you expect an audience to do after they read it, they won’t either — and your post will be a waste of time.

Similarly, ask “why” when you notice exceptional or poor performance; when you can answer the why behind those home runs and strikeouts, you can really start getting the formula for social success with your audience.

7. Partner with a pro.

Whether you’re just getting started or it’s time to get some next-level engagement, working with pros can supercharge your lifestyle marketing on social media. The truth is that social media experts have done all of the leg work, so they know what works, what falls flat, and what your competition is already doing. 

They also have the skills, tools, and resources to help with scroll-stopping photos, highly shareable videos, and about-to-go-viral posts to amplify your presence on major social media platforms. 

Find out how lifestyle marketing experts could achieve better ROIs for your brand on social media and why more and more lifestyle brands, hotels, bars, restaurants, health and wellness brands, and others are choosing us as their Alias — and how we’re maximizing ROIs in the process.