Studio Three

Mission: Implement a sustainable A/V maintenance solution for a multi-location, class based studio brand. Think Peloton meets Cross Fit meets Yoga

Strategy:  As Studio Three grows & expands as a national brand, this Chicago based fitness studio is overseen by our A/V department. With weekly check points & working closely with their team, our behind the scenes work here is paramount for the member experience.

Why A/V is Important Here: Proper audiovisual (AV) equipment is essential for artists to perform their best. Whether it's a musician, a comedian, or a fitness instructor, the quality of the sound and visuals greatly impacts the audience's experience. If the equipment is not up to par, it can lead to distractions, technical difficulties, and a lack of engagement. On the other hand, with high-quality AV, artists can deliver their message with clarity and impact. Quality sound and visuals allow for a more immersive experience, helping individuals stay focused and attentive throughout the performance.

Clayton de la Chapelle